
During our initial meeting, whether online or in person, my main objective is to establish a trusting relationship, where you feel heard and validated. We will spend about an hour discussing your areas of concern with the intention of getting to know you as an individual, rather than just focusing on your symptoms. I want to understand your treatment goals and how we can work together to reach them.

getting to know you

  • anxiety

  • bipolar

  • adhd

  • depression

  • perinatal mental health

  • postpartum depression

  • ptsd


The list of specialties provided here is intended to offer a glimpse into my expertise, though it is by no means exhaustive. If you have a specific situation at hand, I encourage you to reach out to me directly. This way, we can determine together whether my skills and knowledge align with your needs and whether I can be of assistance to you. Don't hesitate to get in touch so we can explore the possibilities further.